Friday, November 27, 2009

Quarter Circle Project

Here is my project piece. I tried to build upon the pattern adding a different fx option as I went along. I like the way the piece changes as you go from the first to the last one. I did two different patterns. You can see them on Here is the pattern piece I started with:

I got this pattern from it:

Which I changed up like this:


  1. I like how these are similar but different. It looks like pieces you can put together on a wall for a set. Good job.

  2. Wow Rita I am so impressed... you really get this class and are having a great time with it!

  3. Rita,
    I think I have said this before, but I will say it again. You are the best at this. Are you in the field of Graphic Design? If not you should be. Your a natural.

  4. Thanks everyone! I'm having fun but you still never know if anyone else will like it as much as you do. Thanks for the positive feedback.

  5. I also love the progression of steps you posted....
