Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I had fun again with this project. There are so many colors and filters to work with so many variations of each that you could change up the same piece indefinitely. I did four different subject pieces and posted the one I thought came out the best.

This is the piece I cut and started with:

And these are what I ended up with:


  1. Rita- is this your first time working with PS-no right? Please say no- because I am so PS challenged right now- I can not wait to get acclimated with it to the extent that you seem to be.........

  2. Hi Nicole, you are doing great. Don't stress out about it and go with your instincts. I'm still muddling my way thru it also. You are not alone! Your posts are great. Everyone has such a different take on the projects and come up with such great work. I think that is the most important lesson. Just think how well we will know PS when we're done. Stay positive!

  3. The different filters and adjustments you used on your subject came out great. Good work.

  4. Yes the possibilities are pretty endless!

    Thanks for the encouraging words for Nicole!
