Sunday, November 22, 2009

I did three variations of project 7 . A tree, lightning, and a wave, which was my favorite. Like Jerry said I am starting to get the hang of copying and pasting, and making canvas sizes much easier now. I am even getting the hang of rotating a little better. I didn't realize we should be doing 2 projects a week until this weekend so I have been playing catch up a little. I have one more to go... project 8 to get on track.


  1. no wonder i feel so behind- i didnt figure out the 2 projects a week until you just mentioned it- i am really not usually so stupid! oh my goodness...............

  2. Great job on your pieces. They are each very distinctive which shows you how important your subject pieces are.

  3. Each of these came out really nice. I can't decide if I like the first or second better. Nice work on your project.

  4. Love it!

    interesting, clean, and well designed. Well done!
