Friday, October 23, 2009

Welcome to Class!

To get things started, let me tell you a bit about myself.... I have been teaching full time at Albertus Magnus College for the past 30 years and am grateful for the opportunity to spend my life working with students who want to learn more about art. I've been married for the past 34 years, and have 2 wonderful sons, 26 and 29. My older son is married and has an almost 2 year old son. That's Kieran and me at the helm of our sailboat this summer... We were blessed to have another grandson born this past Monday! For now, everyone is together at our house so we are doubly blessed.....

My main interest is photography and I earned an M.F.A. in still photography from Rochester Institute of Technology. At Albertus I teach not only Photography but a range of other courses which include Digital Photography both online and face to face, Foundation Design (2-D and 3-D), Graphic Design, Ceramics, Intro to Computer Art, 20th Century Art History and The Museum Experience.

To learn more about me, take a look around at my web site, You can find a statement of my teaching philosophy (very student centered), syllabi from my other classes, a resume (called a Curriculum Vita in academic circles), tutorials on digital photography issues, portfolios of my work and more.

I look forward to working with you!


  1. Hi class and Prof Nevins- I am nicole germain a senior here at albertus- 5 classes to go! I am earning my bachelores in general studies with a major concentration in studio art and a minor concentration in computer information systems- i was originally in the art therapy program but i ended up with my true interest alone- art. this is my second class with prof nevins- i tiik digital photography last year and i learned a load of stuff!!! i recommend it to everyone if you havent already taken it. i am looking forward to this class- i have been reatively starvrd for most of the past 4 months!

  2. tOOk not tIIk and CREATIVELY starved not reatively!! sorry

  3. Chris Sullivan
    fotothing name: gabiener

  4. Hi Jerry! Great to have you again and looking forward to another creative mod!

