Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hi Everyone!

My fotothing account is setup - - and have photoshop on my computer. Are we also required to download Gimp, or is one image editing program okay? I wasn't sure if one had features that the other does not.

I've had a couple classes with Jerry and really enjoyed them. He definitely challenges you to dive into your creativity and see things in a different light. The day program is doing some awesome stuff - looks a bit daunting, but I'm sure as we walk through all the steps the pieces will come together.

Looking forward to a great mod!!



  1. Hi Jen! Welcome back for more...

    If you have Photoshop, you don't need Gimp....

    That's the amazing thing about this class... the pieces look complex and amazing but when you break it down, it is actually pretty easy.....

    Glad you are in this class.....

  2. hi, nice pic. I don't actually know many people, kinda new to the sport. I've only raced up to wind trails (offroad - fun!). Do you offer lessons through the Wallingford park and rec. I saw a class for tri prep, was gonna take but not enough free time.

