Sunday, November 1, 2009

Project 2 Dots!

How it started

Final results!

I had a lot of fun with this project! I was able to be a lot more creative with my work. Even though there isn't much technical "rhyme or reason", it does seem to make sense somehow! I will say I got very frustrated with one of my projects. When I was copying my row of squared dots, it kept spacing my rows! No matter what I did I couldn't fix this. But other than that, neat assignment. Check out the rest on my More to come


  1. I love the pattern on your second piece - it reminds me of magic eye!

  2. Great Jess... you are forging ahead... nice going!

  3. I like this. It looks like the sail of a boat filled wind. I like all your work.

  4. Nicely done. I can see the tip of a heart with a hug peaking through on this. I like all your work!
