Monday, November 16, 2009

Fun! Fun! Fun! I loved this project and I liked changing it up. I started with the Z and I inverted the position so that I have images with it upright and upside down which gave me two different looks to start with.

When I added the second layer you really got to see how different the patterns were from eachother.

Then I inverted and added some color! I have to wait until tomorrow to upload the rest of these to fotothing but I wanted to get these up so I don't fall behind. Fun! Fun! Fun!


  1. I believe that you had fun with this. Very interesting and different takes on the same letter. Great job.

  2. Wow! I love the color in the last piece!

  3. I'm looking at all your piece again, and I love the ones in the middle with the 2 layers of different letters. Fabulous! You really moved beyond just 6 letters and found the simple beauty in this project.

  4. Wow Rita! Well done! Excellent work.
