Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mirrors Project 4

Hello Everyone!!! I am rocking and rolling with week 3!!

The first four squares transformed and rotated

Those squares mirror again.

Again I really enjoy working on these type of projects. Though I will say, that it is a lot easier to just take the time and do all these at once. I did my projects last week and then came back for "mirrors" and found myself back to the Week Two video for a refresher. I like the way this particular picture came out. It's rather peaceful looking at these types of designs. On to the next step!!! Fotothing picture uploads coming soon...I used up my 10! :-)


  1. Wow..! Yay... nice job. perfect job.

  2. You are too good at this stuff! Nice job on all your work. You are really talented!

  3. Am I a week behind or are you a week ahead :) These came out really cool - can't wait to try them on my pieces!

  4. Your pieces are great! You did a fabulous job. I can't wait to get started with this project. What an inspiration!

  5. Thanks for the comments everyone!!! I really enjoy working with PS! I try to work on my stuff a head of time because you are limited with the amount of post you can upload on fotothing daily. I just don't want to fall behind. :-)

  6. You are really good at these projects. You are very creative. Nice work on all your pieces.
